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Monday, August 29, 2011

Easy Buying And Selling Products On Facebook

Many people are curious: is there a Facebook shopping app you can use to buy and sell items on your Facebook page, or even simply through Facebook? The answer is yes: there are numerous apps on Facebook which you can use to do this. Some of them are more complicated than others, but they are all worth checking out. In this article, we will review two of the easiest Facebook shopping apps that are available to users across the world.


A Facebook shopping app that is quickly becoming popular is ShopTab. This incredible application allows you to set up your own shop on Facebook to sell products you come up with: whether that be for a company, band, group, or even on a professional scale. You must first “like” this app on Facebook, and then you have the option to go directly to the app. After going to the app, you set up an account with ShopTab, and upload your products that you want to sell.  On your company’s fan page, you can then add the “Shop” tab to the page, which allows your fans to look at all of your products you are making available on Facebook.
shoptab logo facebook apps
A major downfall of the ShopTab app is that your products do not actually sell directly through Facebook. While people can view them on your Facebook page, as soon as the customer clicks “Buy now,” he or she is redirected to your personal website to purchase the item, which means that you need to have a storefront interface previously installed on the company’s website in order to make ShopTab work for you.

My hobby

I am student of Engineering but my hobby is traveling. mostly i spend my time to journey by bus,train. I have another hobby to discover new thing in the world.I always try to discover something.

web 2.0

Does "Web 2.0" mean anything? Till recently I thought it didn't, but the truth turns out to be more complicated. Originally, yes, it was meaningless. Now it seems to have acquired a meaning. And yet those who dislike the term are probably right, because if it means what I think it does, we don't need it.

I first heard the phrase "Web 2.0" in the name of the Web 2.0 conference in 2004. At the time it was supposed to mean using "the web as a platform," which I took to refer to web-based applications. [1]

So I was surprised at a conference this summer when Tim O'Reilly led a session intended to figure out a definition of "Web 2.0." Didn't it already mean using the web as a platform? And if it didn't already mean something, why did we need the phrase at all?


Tim says the phrase "Web 2.0" first arose in "a brainstorming session between O'Reilly and Medialive International." What is Medialive International? "Producers of technology tradeshows and conferences," according to their site. So presumably that's what this brainstorming session was about. O'Reilly wanted to organize a conference about the web, and they were wondering what to call it.

I don't think there was any deliberate plan to suggest there was a new version of the web. They just wanted to make the point that the web mattered again. It was a kind of semantic deficit spending: they knew new things were coming, and the "2.0" referred to whatever those might turn out to be.

And they were right. New things were coming. But the new version number led to some awkwardness in the short term. In the process of developing the pitch for the first conference, someone must have decided they'd better take a stab at explaining what that "2.0" referred to. Whatever it meant, "the web as a platform" was at least not too constricting.

The story about "Web 2.0" meaning the web as a platform didn't live much past the first conference. By the second conference, what "Web 2.0" seemed to mean was something about democracy. At least, it did when people wrote about it online. The conference itself didn't seem very grassroots. It cost $2800, so the only people who could afford to go were VCs and people from big companies.

And yet, oddly enough, Ryan Singel's article about the conference in Wired News spoke of "throngs of geeks." When a friend of mine asked Ryan about this, it was news to him. He said he'd originally written something like "throngs of VCs and biz dev guys" but had later shortened it just to "throngs," and that this must have in turn been expanded by the editors into "throngs of geeks." After all, a Web 2.0 conference would presumably be full of geeks, right?

Well, no. There were about 7. Even Tim O'Reilly was wearing a suit, a sight so alien I couldn't parse it at first. I saw him walk by and said to one of the O'Reilly people "that guy looks just like Tim."

"Oh, that's Tim. He bought a suit." I ran after him, and sure enough, it was. He explained that he'd just bought it in Thailand.

The 2005 Web 2.0 conference reminded me of Internet trade shows during the Bubble, full of prowling VCs looking for the next hot startup. There was that same odd atmosphere created by a large number of people determined not to miss out. Miss out on what? They didn't know. Whatever was going to happen—whatever Web 2.0 turned out to be.

I wouldn't quite call it "Bubble 2.0" just because VCs are eager to invest again. The Internet is a genuinely big deal. The bust was as much an overreaction as the boom. It's to be expected that once we started to pull out of the bust, there would be a lot of growth in this area, just as there was in the industries that spiked the sharpest before the Depression.

The reason this won't turn into a second Bubble is that the IPO market is gone. Venture investors are driven by exit strategies. The reason they were funding all those laughable startups during the late 90s was that they hoped to sell them to gullible retail investors; they hoped to be laughing all the way to the bank. Now that route is closed. Now the default exit strategy is to get bought, and acquirers are less prone to irrational exuberance than IPO investors. The closest you'll get to Bubble valuations is Rupert Murdoch paying $580 million for Myspace. That's only off by a factor of 10 or so.

What is Web 2.0

The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. Dale Dougherty, web pioneer and O'Reilly VP, noted that far from having "crashed", the web was more important than ever, with exciting new applications and sites popping up with surprising regularity. What's more, the companies that had survived the collapse seemed to have some things in common. Could it be that the dot-com collapse marked some kind of turning point for the web, such that a call to action such as "Web 2.0" might make sense? We agreed that it did, and so the Web 2.0 Conference was born.
In the year and a half since, the term "Web 2.0" has clearly taken hold, with more than 9.5 million citations in Google. But there's still a huge amount of disagreement about just what Web 2.0 means, with some people decrying it as a meaningless marketing buzzword, and others accepting it as the new conventional wisdom.
This article is an attempt to clarify just what we mean by Web 2.0.
In our initial brainstorming, we formulated our sense of Web 2.0 by example:
Web 1.0 Web 2.0
DoubleClick-->Google AdSense
Britannica Online-->Wikipedia
personal websites-->blogging
evite-->upcoming.org and EVDB
domain name speculation-->search engine optimization
page views-->cost per click
screen scraping-->web services
content management systems-->wikis
directories (taxonomy)-->tagging ("folksonomy")

My Favourite Pets

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Top Brain Foods

 Did you know there are certain foods you can eat to make your brain function better? It’s true.

Just like every other organ in your body your brain needs proper nutrition to function at peak levels.

There is a wide list of factors to consider when deciding if a food is brainy enough. Foods that are good for your brain can improve your mood, make you more motivated and improve your overall mental performance.

We all know a diet that is high in fat is bad for us. Not only does it wreak havoc on our physical body it can also be a cause of depression and aggression. However, when you really pay attention to the types of fats you are consuming fats can be very beneficial.

 Top brain foods contain fatty acids called Omega 3. Diets that are laden with the wrong kind of fat have been proven to undermine intelligence. In contrast people who consume good fats have higher intelligence.

These good for you Omega 3 fatty acids are found predominantly in fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables. There are also dairy products, drinks such as green tea and beans that can be beneficial to your brain.

Here are a few of the most common in each category.

Fish - The two best brain food fish are salmon and tuna. These two species are especially high in the good kind of fat. One thing to consider with fish however is that because of mercury content you should eat these types of fish just a few times week.

Nuts - Many nuts including cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and peanuts can be food for your brain. Your brain loves nuts and seeds and gets a lot from them. They are chocked full of things to keep your brain feeling young and sharp.

Fruits - When it comes to fruit your top  brain health choices are blueberries, cherries, acai berries and cranberries. Fruits that are high in antioxidants provide great nutrition for the brain.

Vegetables - The top brain vegetables are brussel sprouts, eggplant and peas. Tomatoes, spinach and cauliflower are also solid choices for giving your brain a little extra nutrition.

Beyond the given examples there are many other foods that offer you good nutrition and can be considered brain foods. The idea is to try to eat at least one of them daily if not more. The other healthy thing you can do from a nutritional point of view for your brain is whenever possibly avoid bad fats. These fats make your brain lazy and your body unhealthy.

Friday, August 26, 2011

how to be a leader

What Is a Leader? 
People have many different definitions.
 Here's a few to get you thinking:
  • Leadership is guiding and showing the the way for other people and helping them work together to find direction.  It's getting people to cooperate and do things together.  It means you can lead a group.
  • Leadership is the ability to be looked upon as a role model.
  • Being a leader is being able to stand up for what you believe in.  It means you help to make new ideas, you don't just follow old one.
  • Leadership is the ability to lead people or represent them.  It all starts with responsibility.  Your actions not only affect you, but everyone you represent.



You've heard the expression "He/She is a born leader." Are all leaders born? Or can leadership be learned?
This Factsheet takes a close look at the concept of leadership. It will give leaders who volunteered, were elected or appointed, a number of guidelines to help them effectively lead their groups.

Are Leaders Born Or Made?

Leadership can be learned. We all have leadership potential, just as we have some ability to sing or run. Some people may be better than others, but each of us has a starting point to build on with training and practice. You do not have to be officially designated as a leader of a group to be an effective leader.
Leadership is a process that helps a group to achieve its goals. Leaders and group members can mutually influence each other's ideas.
"The person who exhibits leadership is ... someone that makes things happen that would not happen otherwise."
(A.D. Edwards and D. Jones)

What Makes A Leader?

Leaders should be well organized and have made time in their lives for their organization. Leadership requires commitment.
Leadership is a mix of knowledge, values, skills, and behaviours. Each of us has beliefs about what characteristics an effective leader should possess. Different groups will also have different beliefs or values about what "makes" an effective leader than other groups have. Your group will assess your leadership, and your success may depend on how well your leadership characteristics match those that they value.
It is important, then, for a leader to know his/her own abilities, knowledge and values and how others perceive them. For example, if "trust" is a quality which is highly valued by your group, then it is important for you to be viewed as a trustworthy person. By knowing your own strengths and weaknesses, you can also develop a plan to work on those areas you may wish to improve.
"Recognizing strengths and compensating for weaknesses represents the first step in achieving positive self regard."
(Warren Bennis & Burt Nanus)
A successful leader makes an effort to learn and practise skills. Some of the more essential components are: the knowledge and understanding of specific tasks; the skills and ability to communicate, build teams, vision, and take risks; and, a value for individuals, the group, and its responsibilities.

Knowledge And Understanding

General knowledge about the organization, how a meeting is run, and the organization's business is essential.
For example, an effective leader knows the purpose of the group or organization (why it exists), its goals (long-term plan), and objectives (short-term plans).
He/She should understand parliamentary procedure, the role of the chairperson, and the purpose and design of an effective agenda.
In addition, an awareness of the subject that the group is involved with is important. If you are a director of the Widget Association, you should know a little bit about widgets.

Skills And Ability Communication

We tend to think of a good communicator as a good speaker. This is only partly true. Good communicators can express themselves clearly and with confidence. However, a key and often forgotten component of effective communication is LISTENING.
A good listener hears not only facts but also feelings. Paraphrasing or restating the person's message in shorter terms is a useful technique. It helps to clarify the message, and it shows the speaker that you have heard what they have said. "So you're saying that I should repeat what was just said, only in my own words, eh?"
"Successful leaders, we have found, are great askers, and they do pay attention."
(Warren Bennis & Burt Nanus)


A leader cannot achieve success alone. The old notion that a leader is "the top of the pyramid" is false. An effective leader is involved and in touch with group members. He/she enables them to act by providing technical assistance, emotional support and vision.
Effective leaders insist on the support and assistance of those affected by the project. They think in terms of "we" not "I."
"The few projects in my study that disintegrated did so because the [person] failed to build a coalition of supporters and collaborators."
(R. Moss Kanter)


A leader also develops a vision of the organization's future. It is important to communicate this vision to members of the group, allowing them to respond and become part of the visioning process. You should build a vision with others. Visioning is a collaborative effort! Your group will grow and prosper by building commitment to a vision or dream that is shared by all. Telling others outside of the organization about the vision is important to the process of developing your own commitment to it.
"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world."
(Joel Arthur Baker)

Risk Taking

A leader is a risk taker and an innovator. New ideas may come from yourself from others in the organization, or from the community. A leader should recognize good ideas, actively support them, and encourage action. One may call them early adapters of innovation.
"Leaders are pioneers - people who are willing to step out into the unknown."
(Olle Bovin)
Just think of the first time you played baseball. You probably were not perfect at hitting the ball or running the bases. Leaders are learners and must be able to learn from their mistakes as well as their successes. So must they encourage their group members and support them through their mistakes. Without mistakes, there is no learning or growth.
All changes and innovations involve risk and challenge.

Value In Others: Recognition And Encouragement

An effective leader must take the time to recognize and reward people for what they've done. Individuals may become tired, bored or frustrated with a particular task or goal. They are often tempted to give up. A leader must provide the encouragement to motivate members to carry on.
Recognition comes in many forms; it may be given to individuals or to groups. It may be as simple as a word of encouragement: "You did a great job, thanks." Whatever the method, give credit and praise when and where it is due. And do not forget to reward yourself. Celebrate once a goal or milestone has been reached.
"Good thoughts not delivered mean squat."
(Ken Blanchard)
Showing a genuine concern and respect for your work, your people and your community may be the best strategy in reaching your goal of outstanding leadership.

Leadership Styles

A leader may use different styles in carrying out his/her role. Many different theories of leadership have been developed through years of research with groups and organizations. "Situational Leadership" is a very popular "framework" to follow. It explains that the style a leader chooses depends mostly upon the group's level of readiness. That is, how willing and able the members are to take responsibility as a group. Situational Leadership recognizes that the leader must be flexible and the group members are the most important factor.
The willingness of a group relates to its attitude. If a group is willing, then it has the confidence, commitment and motivation to accomplish a specific job or activity. A leader who provides support and encouragement to a group is demonstrating a "maintenance" or "relationship" behaviour.
Being able (or having ability) means that the group has the knowledge, skill and experience to accomplish a particular task. When a leader explains what each member is to do, as well as when, where, and how tasks are to be accomplished, he or she is demonstrating task-oriented behaviour.
According to Situational Leadership, the appropriate style depends on the combinations of "willingness and ability" in a group. In general, the more willing and able the group, the less directive or task-oriented should be the leader. The four different styles and most appropriate situation for each are described below.

The Four Situational Leadership Styles

Style 1 - The "Directing/Telling" Leader
Situation: (Group members are - unwilling and unable)
This style is appropriate when the members are new or inexperienced and need a lot of help, direction and encouragement in order to get the job done. The feeling or relationships within the group are not explored to a great extent. This leader provides structure and guidance to the group. The leader defines the role of group members and directs them on what, how, when and where to do various tasks. A supportive role may also be provided to reward and encourage.
Style 2 - The "Coaching/Selling" Leader
Situation: (Group members are - willing but unable)
Here the group is a little more responsible, experienced and willing. The leader's main role is to assist the members in doing a task for which they do not have the skills. The leader coaches the members through the skills of the task. Direction and guidance are necessary. The leader also provides plenty of encouragement and inspiration to maintain the willingness (motivation) of the group.
Style 3 - The "Participating/Supportive" Leader
Situation: (Group members are - unwilling but able)
Leaders using this supportive style know the group has the ability to do the job. However, the group may be unwilling (apprehensive, bored, etc.) to start or complete the task. Therefore, the group members and leader participate in making decisions and carrying them out together. Here, the leader puts more emphasis on relationships and individuals' feelings within the group. Members feel important when the leader provides moral support and encouragement. The leader is a resource person and helper in this role.
Style 4 - The "Delegating/Trusting" Leader
Situation: (Group members are - willing and able)
A leader will choose to be a delegator when the group members are both willing and able to take responsibility for directing their own behaviour. The leader trusts the group to do their own thing and observes from a distance.

How To Choose The Most Useful Situational Leadership Style

Important: no one style of leadership is appropriate for every occasion or situation! To be a good leader, know your group - "where they are at" in terms of their ability, knowledge, desire and willingness. In addition, you must be aware of your preferred style and how others perceive you. Be ready to adapt that leadership style to the occasion. Practise moving from one style to another, depending on the occasion. Use the behaviours appropriate for that style - they're easy to learn!

A Last Thought...

There is no secret recipe or magical formula to become an effective leader overnight. It is a process of trial and error, successes and failures. Never stop learning, and with practice you can increase your success in leadership!
"The future will require those of us in such positions to keep our eyes, ears and minds open. It will require us to listen and to involve, to coach and to develop, to enrich and to motivate, to risk and to credit, to care and to express concern, and to laugh - especially at ourselves."

Top ten ways to money making

Making money online is not an easy job. It takes time to become successful. There are lots of opportunities to make money online working at home. Here are the top real ways available for everyone.
1. Blogging: You can make money online from your blog. It’s really easy to start a blog. Start blogging in your favorite niche. Before you start blogging, check out the demand of the niche. I suggest you to start from low competition niche. There are lots of blogger who is making a living from blogging. As for example, Harsh Agrawal is earning a living just for blogging at ShoutMeLoud. Check out his monthly income report you might be inspired.
2. Get paid to write articles: It’s an easy job. There are lots of sites over internet where you can earn money just for writing for them. For instance, I can suggest two legitimate sites for Bangladeshi where you can earn money just for writing article for them. They are EarnForBlog and BdTips. You can also make money online writing article for you buyer what you may get from major freelancing site like Freelancer.Com or oDesk. You may earn about $1 to $3 per article. Article length is between 300 words to 500 words only.
3. Make money by Forum posting: You can make money online just for forum posting. There are two types of works here. Some new forum administrators usually hire a forum poster for his forums to make it content rich. You will be given few usernames and passwords. You will have act like a normal forums user and write several post and reply to these thread.
Another forum posting job is to promote the website of your buyer by forum posting. Buyer will give list of forums/ you have to collect the list of forums. He will also give which sites should be promoted for which anchor text. You just have to sign up those forums and post or reply to existing threads along with the predefined anchor text and sites given by the buyer in the signature. That’s it. You may earn about $0.10 per post. You will get these jobs at Freelancing sites.
4. Affiliate Programs: You can also earn money easily just for promoting a renowned product. You may earn lump sum commission per sale. This is really easy to start. These products already have their own bran value. You have to work little bit to get your first sell. For a blogger, I suggest you start with web hosting affiliate programs. They are high paying and relates to your readers. For example, my site is hosted on HostGator server. So it’s really easier for me to promote HostGator affiliate programs in my blog.
5. Website Development: Are you expert in web designing? Do you know simple PHP and MySQL? So why are you missing some extra wandering about in the freelancing sites for you. There are lots of buyers out there who are willing to create a new blog/website. Someone want to clone an existing sites. You can grasp this and earn enough money online.
6. Sell Websites or Domains: Are you fade up with your current website/ blog or don’t you have time to manage it. You can sell it in DigitalPoint, SitePoint and DnForum. There are lots of clients there who are visiting these sites to buy these domains with high price.
7. Logo designing: Are you good at Photoshop. You can make some extra cash appearing logo designing competition of different site like 99designs. The prize money is very high. If you are professional, you can earn a lot.
8. Get paid to view ads: You can make money online just for viewing ads of advertisers. You can earn about $0.01 per ads. You can boost your earnings by referring others to these sites. Please be careful before joining in any get paid to view ads sites. NeoBux and Bux.to are legit get paid to view ads sites. They are not SCAM!
9. Sell Your Photos: Are you a good photographer? You can make money by selling them at iStockPhoto.
10. Create a new Stuff and sell online: Are you good writer? Then write an ebook now and sell it online. Are you software developer? Create software and sell it online and make money.

Money is a good Servant, but a Bad Master

Money is the second God — goes the saying. In a sense, that is true. The wheel of the whole universe of activities centers round one point — money. Money buys wealth, happiness, even love sometimes. Mankind all over the world kneels down to it. Truly speaking, there is hardly any job on earth that money can not accomplish. True, money is very powerful. But what is the nature of its power? Being a part and parcel of our daily life, does it deserve the honour (u) r we give it?
As a matter of fact, money is a good servant but a bad master. It serves you best — with anything, in any way. But if you worship it, it conquers you wholly. Then you cease To be yourself. Not only that, you can not be a good servant as well.
In this regard, one thing we must remember: we earn money to live, and we do not live to earn money. Those who earn money to live earn it and spend it and enjoy their lives. They change money into happiness, prosperity, development, and well-being, but money can not change them. They can enjoy the gifts of life. But, on the other hand, those who live to earn money live like slaves to it. It is those people who are the root of all evils — chaos, destruction, murder, robbery, bribery and so on. Not only they can not control them, but they are controlled by money. We must run after money, but must not run toward hell.
So, money can never be our God — even the second. For "You must have one God only. Who will be at the expense of two?"

How to get a free mastercard

In Bangladesh and Some of the Asian countries – it is a problem to pay online or getting payment quickly from online affiliates.  What is the problem? The problem is Paypal doesn’t support our country and we can’t get International credit card or master card at  low cost. I am glad that things have changed now. With the help of Payoneer Prepaid Master card it is now possible to pay and get payment from Bangladesh.

What is Payoneer Prepaid Master Card?

Payoneer Prepaid Master Card is a mass payout solution for the online earners.
Payoneer is an international payment distribution solution that pays directly to a prepaid MasterCard® card. -From Payoneer.
So basically it helps to get your payment directly in a master card. And this card is offered by Payoneer. You can then withdraw money at an ATM machine. The best thing about payoneer is, it supports every country. And it is the easiest and reliable way I have found this far.

Is It Free ??

Some of my friends can’t believe that it is a free card provided by Payoneer. How could they? Because  a master card costs a lot in Bangladesh.  There are other problems in using that. But Payoneer is free and you can use it without any extra difficulties. There customer support is good and responsive.

How To Get A Card

You can’t directly apply for a payoneer card. You have to go through an affiliate program, who will sponsor you the card. It’s simple – if you do nothing online and want a Payoneer card just for showoff – then it’s not for you. Publisher from Text link Ads, InfoLinks can get Payoneer cards.
The best place to get a payneer card is oDesk. oDesk is the freelancers place. You can earn their by doing freelancing job. Lots of other sites use payoneer as their payout solution. You should check out with Payoneer.com for the complete list.

Where Can I Use The Card?

Payoneer card can be used anywhere, where Master card is acceptable. That’s online or  normal shopping. So you can buy domain or hosting with this card and pay your hosting bill too. Shop at amazon or eBay.
To load the card you can load it with other master or visa card. Western Union still doesn’t support Bangladesh. So you can’t load your card with Western Union from Bangladesh.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hello everyone! This is my new site. I will give you update something